I like June very much and there are several reasons why this could be my favourite month of the year. First of all, it's the month of graduations - kindergarten, grammar school, high school, college, university, brother's, sister's, friend's, another friend's, cousin's, my own... There's always somebody I know having a graduation in June. Oh, I just got my diploma as master of arts! Yay! Secondly, June means my nameday which is an excellent reason to invite friends and have an outdoor party (outdoor party on my birthday wouldn't be so nice). And thirdly, the main reason why I'm fond of June is midsummer which is a huge event over here. You can't miss it! Let me list some sure signs that midsummer is almost there. Nights have shrunk to a few hours of twilight. Radio is playing songs with refrain
līgo! over and over again. Almost every town and city is holding some kind of floral and craft market often involving traditional dance and song as well. People are making wood and putting up a bonfire or checking their grilling equipment. Cheese, beer and mosquito repellent are on every shopping list. Some people are making beer and that special midsummer cheese with caraway seeds themselves! Others are packing sleeping bags, buying bus tickets and getting ready to visit relatives or friends in countryside. Weather forecast for the night between June 23 and 24 has become the most importantant conversation topic. What else? You must be sure your lawn is mown and your flowerbeds are weed free, otherwise your guests can tease you about being lazy. And make sure you learn some traditional midsummer songs!
Here is the treasury I made to capture the mood of the midsummer:
Featured shops:
Fantastic treasury Rasa!
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Happy Jaņi! Have a lovely week!
Thank you!